Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures, Reports, Study: Research

Japan Fukushima Families

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Save the Children Japan

One year after the meltdown at Japan’s nuclear power plants in Fukushima, new research by Save the Children shows that many children are afraid to play outside and live in fear of the unseen dangers of radiation. The report “Fukushima Families” found children and parents overwhelmingly spoke of their fear and anxiety around the impact of the nuclear crisis, and a lack of reliable information to help them make informed decisions and move forward with their lives. Save the Children has carried out a new piece of field research, speaking to 61 children and parents from Fukushima and compiling the major concerns and issues still felt almost one year since the crisis at Daichi nuclear plants. The focus of this research has been to increase understanding of what the current situation is for children and their parents from Fukushima – including those who have relocated, and those who have stayed in their original homes – and what the primary concerns are for the children affected by this crisis.

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