Case Studies and Success Stories, Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance, Study: Evaluations

INEE Guidance Notes on teaching and learning

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INEE, The Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies

The INEE Guidance Notes on teaching and learning articulate good practice on critical issues related to curricula adaptation and development, instruction and learning processes, teacher training and support, and the assessment of learning outcomes, focusing on the importance of quality side of Education for All. These Guidance Notes identify realistic mechanisms, approaches and tools to help relief agencies, teacher colleges and education ministries address the complex issues surrounding curriculum assessment, development, monitoring and evaluation in contexts affected by crisis, in order to enable learners to develop core competencies in literacy, numeracy and life skills. The Guidance Notes will not be designed as a prescriptive solution or a blueprint response to the challenges of teaching and learning, but will instead provide a framework for planning an appropriate strategy for specific local contexts in ways that help to establish and institutionalise good practice and avoid negative consequences. The Guidance Notes also include: Key principles of quality, relevant and inclusive teaching and learning practice; Suggested issues to consider when planning and implementing quality education programmes; and a collation of resources including sample tools, teaching materials and case studies.

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