
Hasta el Último Niño y Niña: Las niñas y niños que el mundo ha decidido olvidar

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Save the Children UK

Nearly 16,000 girls and boys under the age of five die every, mainly due to causes that can be treated. While around 250 million school-aged girls and boys are unable to study.

Extreme poverty continues to cause havoc, but a number disproportionate number of girls and boys who die or do not receive education are not “only” poor. Discrimination is also a determining factor in the deaths of millions of children.

These two injustices together – poverty and discrimination – result in exclusion. Exclusion exists in all countries of the world and affects millions of girls and boys.

Hasta el último niño y niña is the story of the forgotten children. The report addresses the following topics:

• The large number of excluded children

• The impact of exclusion on girls and boys

• The determinants of exclusion

• Progress in addressing exclusion

• The measures that can be taken to address exclusion

This report presents the findings of a recent investigation on excluded groups: girls and boys belonging to ethnic minorities, those who live in regions disadvantaged areas and excluded girls. It also points out the alarming inequalities facing refugee girls and boys, internally displaced persons, and unaccounted children. Lastly, girls and boys with disabilities and street children.

Based on these new findings and analysis, the report identifies a series of measures to ensure that no girl or boy is left behind. We call on the leaders of all countries to make three guarantees for all children: fair financing, equal treatment, and accountability.

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