Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance, Study: Research

A Guide to conducting a survey on budget transparency and human rights. Learning from a budget transparency & child rights project in Kenya, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia & Zimbabwe

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AT4HR,IBP, International Budget Partnership,Save the Children

A Guide to conducting survey on Budget Transparency and Human Rights jointly published by AT4HR, the International Budget Partnership and Save the Children. The Guide explores how to design and conduct survey-based research on budget transparency in a chosen sector or pertaining to a specific human rights issue. It uses the experiences of a study looking into budget transparency for child nutrition as a springboard to discuss some of the practical considerations for undertaking research of this kind [the study on budget transparency and child nutrition can be accessed under ‘Related Documents’ at the bottom right corner of this page}.

The target audience for this guide are (i) – Members of civil society organisations or researchers in countries that did not form part of the pilot Budget Transparency and Child Nutrition (BTCN) project in 2012 and 2013, who would like to replicate the research in their own countries; (ii) Civil society organisations or researchers in any country who would like to adapt the Budget Transparency for Children’s Rights (BT4CR) methodology to investigate another child rights issue, for example basic education or child protection; (iii) Researchers and human rights advocates who are interested in different methodologies for generating evidence to advance rights implementation and monitoring; and (iv) Save the Children Child Rights Governance programme staff.

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