Policies, Standards, and Strategies, Reports, Study: Research

Governance Fit for Children: To what extent have the general measures of implementation of the UNCRC been realised in Lithuania?

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English, Lithuanian


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Save the Children Lithuania

This study is part part of the ‘Governance fit for children’ project, and aims to examine the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child’s ’General measures of implementation’ (GMI) in five EU countries and in EU institutions. The studies carried out in Sweden, Romania, Lithuania, Italy and the United Kingdom, examine implementation at national and local level, and the present study is the examination of the situation in Lithuania. The study reveals, among other findings, that Lithuania currently has no comprehensive and detailed strategy for children based on the Convention on the Rights of the Child. However, the Lithuanian Government has approved the Strategy of State Policy on Child Welfare and the Plan of Implementing Measures for 2005-2012, and according to the representative of the Children’s Rights Ombudsman Institution of the Republic of Lithuania, the mere fact that such strategy exists shows that the assurance of the child’s rights is a priority.

The Plan of Implementing Measures sets forth the responsible institutions and implementation periods; however, the measures should be reviewed periodically and their effectiveness and suitability evaluated in accordance with the current situation in the country and the status of the child’s rights within the country. Other programs and reforms related to assurance of the rights of the child in separate fields are being implemented in the country.

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