Reports, Study: Research

Governance Fit for Children: To what extent have the general measures of implementation of the UNCRC been realised in the EU Institutions?

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Save the Children

This report, coordinated by Save the Children Sweden and financed by the European Commission, is part of the overarching goal of the Project “Governance fit for Children” to assess how far the UNCRC General Measures of Implementation (GMI) have been realised in Italy, Lithuania, Romania, Sweden, the United Kingdom and by the European Commission. The General Measures of Implementation (GMI) covered in this study are: legislative measures, development of national children’s rights strategies or action plans, coordination of implementation of children’s rights work, monitoring implementation, data-collection and development of indicators, making children visible in budgets, cooperation with civil society and information and awareness-raising.

The report limits its research to a focus on the European Commission and a small number of policy areas (External Relations, Justice and Fundamental Rights, Home Affairs and to some extent Employment and Social Affairs) and the Council (only external affairs). The findings set out here provide some important insights into how far the European Commission has come in terms of implementing the GMI in child specific policy contexts.

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