Reports, Study: Research

Global Report on Internal Displacement 2020

Publication year:




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IDMC, Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre,NRC, Norwegian Refugee Council

During 2019, conflict and disasters triggered 33,4 million new internal displacements across 145 countries and territories. These numbers are the highest since 2012. However, many countries and regions also experienced visible efforts to prevent and respond to internal displacement during the year. Furthermore, improvements in the quantity and quality of available data enabled better analysis, which in turn informed more effective responses and risk mitigation measures.

The Global Report on Internal Displacement 2020 breaks down data by conflict, violence and disasters across 145 countries. It explores policy and operational practice from across the world and shows what is being done by countries to prevent, respond to and resolve internal displacement. In addition to this, the report proposes a roadmap for the next decade based on better information, more resources and stronger political investment.

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