Reports, Study: Research

Girls on the Move Research Series

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English, Spanish


(3.3 MiB)


Save the Children International,Save the Children Sweden

The dream of a better future makes millions of girls leave their homes each year. Every girl carries a powerful story – why she migrates, the risks she faces, and the vision of a future she heads toward. It is important that girls’ stories are heard. Girls on the Move is a global series of action research conducted by Save the Children on three continents to increase the knowledge about the situation for girls on the move.

Each regional study generates targeted evidence to address knowledge gaps in current literature and programme approaches. The methodology and emphasis vary according to the context, but the research is primarily qualitative. In all contexts, the methodology includes literature review, participatory research with girls on the move in countries of origin, in transit and/or at their destination, participatory programme review, and capacity building with country and regional office Save the Children teams directly responsible for implementing programming that reaches girls on the move.

The aim of the research series is to cultivate a more nuanced understanding within and beyond Save the Children of how gender impacts the experience and outcomes for children in migration and displacement. The research reports are published as a series with a global summary that presents interventions for quick uptake to accelerate our collective ability to seek out and reach girls on the move and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

A podcast episode of Save the Children Documentary is also available as a complement to Girls on the Move in Southern Africa, available here.

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