Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures, Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Gemensamma kriterier! Innehållet i ett Barnahus i tio punkter

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Save the Children Sweden

Save the Children Sweden has established and supported operations of “Barnahus”, or Advocacy Centres for Children, a model for receiving child victims of sexual abuse. Barnahus provide a wide range of expertise concerning child abuse cases and bring together social services, police, prosecutor, forensic medical experts and paediatric psychiatry services, collaborating primarily in the initial stages of the police and social services investigations. Through the Advocacy Centres for Children, Save the Children Sweden hopes to ensure that all child victims of violence receive the support and assistance they require and that the investigations conducted in connection with suspicions that a child has been exposed to crime must be tailored to the children. Save the Children Sweden, together with staff from four Barnahus has worked out ten essential points considered more important than others for the achievement of a successful activity that puts the individual child at the centre.

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