
Gasto Social y niñez: las limitaciones de una gestión. Informe especial por inauguración del Observatorio por la Infancia y la Adolescencia

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Save the Children,Universidad del Pacífico Centro de Investigación

The report Gasto Social y niñez: las limitaciones de una gestión, has been prepared by the Research Centre of the Universidad del Pacífico, Lima, in partnership with Save the Children. The report attempts to tentatively assess the budget performance of the Peruvian government up to June 2004, focusing on the areas of health, education, nutrition and child wellbeing, and on the attainment of child rights in these specific areas.   Findings show that budget allocations are inequitably distributed,   i.e. the  the poorest regions – with the worst health, education, nutrition and wellbeing indicators –  receive fewer resources from the State than those regions reflecting a much better child well-being performance along each of the four dimensions. A radical change in the distribution of invested resources is necessary in order to meet the needs of the most vulnerable and excluded children and adolescents in Peru.


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