Study: Research

Family and Parenting Support: Policy and Provision in a Global Context

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UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti

Children’s wellbeing is intrinsically linked to parental well-being, and thus investment in all families, complemented by targeted support for the most vulnerable, is of paramount importance for realizing the rights of the child.

In cooperation with the Convention on the Rights of the Child, family and parenting support is increasingly recognized as an important part of national social policies. However, the majority of research and evidence on the benefits of different types of approaches are coming from high-income countries.

This research compendium, developed and collected by UNICEF Office of Research in cooperation with the Department of Social Policy and Intervention at Oxford University, sets out to develop a research agenda on family support and parenting support globally. This contribution to a body of global evidence reveals the role not only of national governments but also of regional bodies and international agencies. It will assist in creating stronger policy, more efficient interventions, and increased cross-country learning.

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