Policies, Standards, and Strategies

Every Child Deserves a Chance: Save the Children South Africa vision 2020

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Save the Children South Africa

South Africa is a young nation, one in which more than 18 million children comprise roughly 37 percent of the population. For about 70 percent of them, however, the future is bleak. They live in the poorest households and are exposed to inhumane violence and abuse. They have limited access to quality education, especially early childhood education (ECD). They also lack care and support from parents and other adults, and reside in areas where assistance for children with disabilities is virtually non-existent. 

Save the Children South Africa will be the champion for these children by working in all provinces to ensure that every child has a happy and healthy childhood. This document outlines Save the Children South Africa’s strategic ambitions for the period 2015 to 2020.

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