Study: Research

The Compass – Guiding principles for Save the Children Sweden 2008-2016

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English, Swedish


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Save the Children Sweden

The Compass establishes the directives of the work of Save the Children Sweden (SCS), and it applies to both volunteers and employees working with the organisation. The Compass describes what SCS is, what it stands for, how the organisation works and what it seeks to achieve. These guiding principles were adopted by members at the Annual Meeting (as well as by the Board’s directives to the Secretary General), and sets out its framework for the next ten-year period (2008-2016). It contains a clear statement of the organisation’s vision and mission, its objectives and work methods, rooted in a commitment to children’s rights. This approach is affirmed in the programme priorities which are explicitly designed to promote the realisation of rights both through advocacy, research, direct support and dissemination and capacity building in children’s rights. Within each of these programme priorities, country and regional reports are structured and analysed from the child rights perspective and will be in effect for a period of eight years.

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