
Combating trafficking as modern-day slavery: A matter of rights, freedoms and security

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OSCE Office of the Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings

This Annual Report divides in four parts and deals with different aspects of the phenomenon, policies, actions, and challenges deriving from trafficking in women, men, and children for many different exploitative purposes. Part I “Trafficking in Human Beings as Modern-Day Slavery” explores the multiple forms of trafficking and addresses them as severe human rights violations, serious transnational organized crime, and threats to the individual and State security; Parti II “Joining Efforts to Tackle Trafficking in Human Beings” provides an overview of the work and internal co-ordination and co-operation further developed in 2010 by the OSCE institutions, structures and field operations; Part III, “Stepping Forward: Challenges and Future Perspectives” concludes the report as a stand alone chapter by addressing crucial areas that the Office of the SR decided to focus on to advance the anti-trafficking action; and Part IV, lists the references and an Annex recording the conferences and events attended by the SR and her Office in 2010.

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