SCS, child rights monitoring at a local level.pdf
Study: Research

Childs Rights Monitoring at Local Level. A Pre-study in Estonia, Lithuania, Moldova, Romania, Serbia and Sweden

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Save the Children Sweden

A pre-study on the monitoring process of children’s rights at local levels in Estonia, Lithuania, Moldova, Romania, Serbia and Sweden. Local monitoring will become increasingly important in order to assess the impact on children’s rights. Consideration must therefore be given as to how countries successfully can approach local child rights monitoring in a strategic and sustainable manner. It is not the intention of this pre-study to find ‘good models’ of how local child rights monitoring could best be implemented, nor to use experiences from individual countries to make conclusions at a European level. Instead this pre-study hopes to bring to attention the diversity of experiences in this field in order to inspire a debate and discussion regarding how to ensure a strategic and holistic approach to local child rights monitoring.

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