Reports, Study: Research

Children on the Move: Status and programmes of support and protection of children on the move in the Republic of Serbia

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Citizens’ Association for Combat against Trafficking in Human Beings and all Forms of Violence against Women

Although children and young people comprise a large share of all migrants in Serbia, state protection in this field is still minimal, according to this report, launched by Atina, Grupa 484, and Fund for Open Society, three NGOs working in collaboration with Norwegian Save the Children and Save the Children for North West Balkans. The study, focusing on children on the move in Serbia, was conducted between September and December 2012 and is the first such report in the region. 

The goal of the research is to gain an insight into and ensure a better understanding of the phenomenon of children on the move in Serbia, and to identify the existing services and practices. The study findings undoubtedly confirm that the current  government response to the needs of these children is not adequate and that many of them do not get the support and protection to which they are entitled.

The report includes specific recommendations to improve the national protection system for children in Serbia – a functioning system  that is entirely based on the needs of children and which guarantees their protection and exercise of all their rights, irrespective of their migration status. The report also includes a snapshot of individual stories of children on the move in Serbia which reflect the experience and hardships of migration from the perspective of children themselves. 

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