Study: Research

Child Rights Situational Analysis for Eastern and Central Africa: The right to education, the right to protection and the role and capacity of civil society

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Save the Children Sweden

A Child Rights Situational Analysis (CRSA) for the Eastern and Central Africa Region commissioned by Save the Children Sweden in early 2008,  focusing on six countries :Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Northern and Southern Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda.  It is a desk review of relevant secondary sources and data and seeks to explore how the right to education and the right to protection are being promoted, protected and fulfilled in these countries as these are priority areas for Save the Children Sweden. It also attempts to give an overview of the accountability of key duty bearers for these rights and to analyse the character and potential of civil society and of broader regional developments. Although it is a desk review, children’s perspectives are highlighted as far as possible where they are expressed in existing documentation. It is hoped that this CRSA is both accessible and relevant and can act as a reliable and informative resource within the region


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