Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Child Protection in Emergencies: Coordinator’s Handbook

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English, French


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Child Frontiers Ltd.,CPWG, The Child Protection Working Group

A handbook developed by Child Frontiers in partnership with the Child Protection Working Group, intended for child protection specialists working in complex emergencies and disasters. It provides essential information for those professionals tasked with initiating the Child Protection coordination mechanism during emergencies within the Humanitarian Reform process and cluster approach. The handbook represents the collective learning and thinking of the sector on how to optimise the impact of efforts for children through careful and strategic coordination, and how to avoid unintended harm through fragmented, poorly coordinated responses. The expectation is that wherever it is needed, child protection will be an active and coordinated part of preparedness, response and recovery. Child protection is both a life-saving intervention in the first phase of the emergency and an essential component in the building of national child protection systems.

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