Study: Research

Child Poverty Profile and Vulnerability in the Boucle du Mouhoun Region of Burkina Faso: Final technical report

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Save the Children,UNICEF, United Nations Children's Fund

The Boucle du Mouhoun region of Burkina Faso is amongst the poorest regions in the country with a poverty rate that is about 19.4% higher than the mean national poverty estimate of 40.1%. Second, half of the population in Mouhoun comprise of young children under the ages of 15 years (49.9%) and 25 years (68.1%). Third, because of the rich agricultural potentials of the region, the active agricultural labour force is predominantly composed of children between the ages of 10 years and 18 years with devastating consequences on child well-being particularly, education and child labour. Fourth, the region is a ‘hot spot’ for intra and inter rural/urban migration in the country with far-reaching implications for national development.

Against this reality, Save the Children and UNICEF commissioned a child poverty profile and child vulnerability study in the region. The study uncovered very interesting results that will serve as a basis to inform donor intervention. This gives an idea of how much work needs to be done by government and its development partners through appropriate policies, strategies, and interventions. The analysis further reinforces the need to tackle dimensions not as a stand-alone approach, but in integrating interventions to achieve a more meaningful outcome.

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