Study: Research

Child Marriage and Adolescent Pregnancy in Mozambique: Causes and impact

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Girls Not Brides,UNFPA, United Nations Population Fund,UNICEF, United Nations Children's Fund

This study measures the magnitude, trends over time, determinants and impacts of child marriage and adolescent marriage in Mozambique. It finds that 14.3% of girls between the ages of 20 and 24 were married before 15 years of age while 48.2% of girls in the same age group were marriage before 18. Girls in urban locations were found to marry later than girls in rural settings.

The impacts of early marriage are diverse and range from access to education to formidable health risks. By analysing current trends and impacts and identifying key determinants, this study intends to inform national policy design by providing analytical support for advocacy and evidence-based policy design to reduce child marriage in Mozambique.

Findings from this study will inform policy discussion in Mozambique and support Un agencies and partners in providing technical support to the Government of Mozambique in designing and revising national policies and strategies for adolescent girls.

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