Child Friendly Materials, Study: Research

Child-friendly Justice: Perspectives and experiences of professionals on children’s participation in civil and criminal judicial proceedings in 10 EU Member States

Publication year:





FRA, European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

All European Union Member States have an obligation to ensure that children’s best interests are being considered when they are involved in criminal and civil judicial proceedings. Without properly trained professional or suitable settings, children are at risk of being traumatized if procedures are not child friendly.

In cooperation with the European Commission, the Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) collected and analysed data with professionals and children who had experienced judicial proceedings. The present report is considered the first instalment of a two-part research project; the second report will concentrate on the responses of the children who were interviewed.

The research revealed a number of promising practices but also that quality and standards vary across the European Union Member States. The FRA calls for clear and consistent standards and guidelines for child participation in criminal and civil judicial proceedings and the systematic monitoring of their implementation.

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