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Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Budget for children analysis – a beginners’ guide

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English, Spanish


pdf (2.9 MiB)


Centre For Child Rights, Kathmandu School of Law,Save the Children Sweden

The ‘Budget for Children Analysis’ Toolkit is a joint effort by HAQ: Centre For Child Rights and Save the Children, which provides steps for analyzing State Budget allocations and monitoring government commitments to Child Rights. The toolkit has been designed to demystify and elucidate in easy-to- understand language the concept of ‘ Budgeting for Children’. It aims to strengthen the capacities of civil society organisations in undertaking Child Centred State Budget Analysis, as an effective way to advocate for appropriate budget allocations for children issues and good governance, and to hold governments accountable for fulfilling children’s rights. The ‘Budget for Children Analysis’ Toolkit has also been published in Spanish under the title: Análisis de Presupuestos para la Niñez: Una Guía para principiantes.

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