Reports, Study: Research

Baseline survey report 2009-2010. An assessment of the Protection, Health and Education needs of children working in the cotton fields of Districts Muzaffargarh and Sanghar

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Save the Children Sweden

Save the Children Sweden in collaboration with IKEA Social Initiative has initiated the holistic child rights programme ‘CHAON-Children’s Action against Oppression and Neglect’, to improve the conditions of children working in cotton fields. The first phase of this unique programme – extending from 2009 to 2013 – will be implemented in the cotton producing Pakistani provinces of Punjab and Sindh, with special focus on the Muzaffargarh and Sanghar districts. The objectives of the study are to capture the socio-economic profile of the target districts; examine the probable factors responsible for issues related to the realisation on child rights in the target areas; explore ways and means to improve the strategic planning of Save the Children and other stakeholders in the prevalent context; and provide a base for evaluation at midterm and end of the project. The findings of the research amply manifest that awareness of basic human rights, specifically in terms of child rights, is significantly low among the communities.The dismal state of affairs in cotton growing areas demands immediate attention and support of local government and other state and non-state actors.

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