Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures, Reports

BARN: USA, Mellan hopp och förtvivlan i Kentucky. Nr 4, 2012

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Save the Children Sweden

Child poverty and child obesity in the United States is the main focus of this edition of Save the Children Sweden’s quarterly magazine ’Barn’. The editor travels to an isolated part of Kentucky where parents struggle to provide for their children. Children and their parents are interviewed and the efforts of Save the Children USA staff to provide amenities and services to families in need are explored.

Child labour is an additional topic of this edition. The working and living conditions of the world’s working children are briefly explored. Working children in Bangladesh, Peru, and Mali are interviewed and their experiences told. This section explores why children work, under what conditions, and how this impacts their education and quality of life. Ehsan Ullah Khan, a prominent champion of child rights, shares his struggle to unite peoples and lands to end child labour. 

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