Study: Research

BARN: En värld av städer. No 4, 2014

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Save the Children Sweden

This number of Save the Children Sweden’s quarterly magazine ’Barn’ begins with an article on the 10 year anniversary of the tsunami in Thailand.

The feature piece focuses on the global trend of urbanization: two thirds of the world’s population is expected to live in urban environments by the year 2050. China is in focus, a country where many families are separated due to poor pay and availability of work in rural communities. Parents leave for big cities and better pay while children stay with their grandparents or close relatives in their rural village.

Young women in Kolkata are given the chance to receive an education in cosmetology, which will give them the competence to find work and afford housing.

Water and sanitation is prioritized by Save the Children India for the poor and flood susceptible region Sundarbans.

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