Reports, Study: Research

Analysis of the Situation of Children on the Move: assessing the capacity and the adequacy of the child protection system in Hungary to ensure the protection of children on the move. Mario Project Research Report

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Terre des Hommes

The main objective of this Mario research was to analyze good practices and gaps of the Hungarian Child Protection System (CPS) in relation to children on the move. The report is based on a desk research and qualitative methods according to “Mario Methodological Guidelines”. The first section provides an overview, which sets out the general framework of the research and a short comparative analysis of the legal and institutional background that impacts or is applicable to children on the move. The second section addresses the particular characteristics of the CPS and children on the move. It provides an analysis of qualitative indicators of CPS, like efficacy, inclusiveness, adequacy, accessibility, proactivity and prevention. The report presents the findings of the research on the ability of the Hungarian child protection system to provide adequate protection to children on the move.

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