Reports, Study: Research

Alla ombord

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Alla Ombord

All aboard! – The salutogenic museum is a pioneering educational project at the Swedish National Maritime Museums/Vasa Museum in Stockholm (2008-2010). The project aims to make it possible for children and young people, regardless of their actual abilities, to benefit from, enjoy and take active part in the educational activities on an equal and dignified footing. The project is being run jointly by the Swedish National Maritime Museums and the National Association for Disabled Children and Youths in Stockholm (RBU), Save the Children, Sweden, Handisam – Swedish Agency for Disability Policy Coordination, Children´s Department of the Karolinska University Hospital and the Swedish Institute for Special Needs Education. The project has been inspired by Aaron Antonovsky’s (Professor of Medical Sociology who coined the term “salutogenesis”) ideas about what it is that promotes health – the salutogenic perspective. A goal of the project is to inspire others in the task of promoting access to educational activities.

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