Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

10 Steps forward to Deinstitutionalisation: Building communities to support childrens’ rights

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Hope for Himalayan Kids,Terre des Hommes

Terre des hommes Nepal Delegation Office teamed up with Hope for Himalayan Kids, to produce a hands-on manual on how to reduce the number of children in institutions and promote family-based care. The first step of the manual is building community awareness, taking stock of what is happening in the child rights and protection environmental locally, nationally and internationally. The second step involves providing information on various child rights laws and policies. Subsequent steps are about managing goals and expectations, discussing childcare components, and the logistics of delivering alternative care. It is hoped that these steps will provide a source of motivation to childcare practitioners to bring their actions and institutions into alignment with the United Nations (UN) Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Guidelines for the Alternative Care for Children

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