Reports, Study: Research

Young Voices – Vietnam 2020

Publication year:





MSD, Management and Sustainable Development Institute,Save the Children Vietnam

Young Voices is a nation-wide survey on what children think about all issues that concern them under the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Save the Children in Vietnam carried out the survey in cooperation with the Management and Sustainable Development Institute (MSD), with funding from SIDA.

The survey reached 11 lower secondary schools, 5 upper secondary schools, and 3 K-12 schools. This report summarizes the key findings and presents five recommendations for national and local government bodies in the protection of child rights and action on those issues raised by children during the survey.

Vietnam is the first to have added questions on climate to their national surveys, since young are leading the change here and their needs and recommendations on the environment are vital.

To read all of the Young Voices reports and supplementary materials, please visit this page.

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