Reports, Study: Research

“YARO NA KOWA NE” Children belong to everyone. Save the Children Regional Kinship Care Research

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Save the Children

Children without appropriate care (CwAC) is a focus area for Save the Children’s child protection work for the period 2010-2015. The goal is that by 2015, 4.6 million children without appropriate care, and their families, including children affected by HIV and AIDS and those on the move, will benefit from good-quality interventions within an improved child protection system. This report assesses the practice of kinship care within four research countries in the West and Central African region (Sierra Leone, Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Niger), reflecting upon the widespread use of this care practice. It provides key contextual information concerning these countries; an overview of the research methodology; key reflections from the research process; and key findings on the following five main research themes: 1) Legal, policy, plans and data concerning kinship care; 2) Traditional practices, trends in kinship care and influencing factors; 3) Positive and negative experiences of girls and boys living in kinship care; 4) Children and caregivers support needs and the availability of such support; and 5) Policy and practice recommendations.

The final chapter of the report presents key conclusions and ways forward to ensure that Save the Children and other relevant agencies act upon the findings to ensure more effective policies and practices to prevent family separation, and to strengthen and support families within a comprehensive care and protection system. This research has been crucial to better understand children’s day to day life experiences when living with kin caregivers. It has provided an opportunity to listen to children, caregivers, parents and other stakeholders so that their insights can inform programming and advocacy to increase the care and protection of children in families.

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