“We must be the change”: A Children’s Pact for the Future thumbnail
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“We must be the change”: A Children’s Pact for the Future

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English, Arabic,Spanish,French


PDF (3.4 MiB)


Save the Children International

Children hope for a world where their rights are protected, where countries live in harmony, where everyone has enough to eat, and all children can learn. A future where our planet is protected from the effects of climate change.

But most of all, children just want to be children.

This document is based on messages and demands shared by children supported to engage in advocacy and campaigning as part of Save the Children’s Generation Hope Weeks of Action. In May and June 2024, over 1,230 children articulated their hopes for the future through activities held in 23 countries. All their messages were captured to write this Children’s Pact for the Future.

We want to thank all the children who shared their stories with us and who campaign daily for a better future.

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