Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Utanför Nästan Allt 2019: En vägledning för stärkt socialt stöd

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Save the Children Sweden

In 2014, Save the Children Sweden published Utanför nästan allt – en vägledning för stärkt social stöd, with a range of recommendations for decision makers, as well as social workers. Since then, the number of asylum-seekers in Sweden has varied, from a high in 2015 of almost 163,000 applications to less than 21,000 in 2018.

Reports from the Migration Agency and Police show that many of those who have been denied residency do not leave the country. There are no exact figures but it is certain that the number of “paperless” people in Sweden has increased since 2014. The situation for children who live with, or without, undocumented parents is very difficult.

In this report, Save the Children Sweden provides examples of how society has been unable to fulfill the human rights of these individuals. The consequences for these children are severe. This report provides further guidance and recommendations for social workers and decision makers in Sweden to ensure that the rights of children are fulfilled.

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