Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Universal Periodic Review Toolkit Add-On. Advocacy Guide

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English, French,Spanish


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Save the Children

This is an Add-On to the “Universal Periodic Review Toolkit – A guide for country programs”, which contains up-to-date information on the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) process. Save the Children’s Child Rights Governance Global Initiative (CRGI) seeks to strengthen the ability of civil society organisations (CSOs) and child-led groups to hold their Governments to account on their obligations and commitments to children. Child rights monitoring, through reporting to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child and the UPR mechanism, is a key tool for improving accountability. This short advocacy guide aims to provide CSOs and child-led groups with a brief overview of the child rights outcomes and lessons learned from the UPR’s first cycle and how this can help improve advocacy for the second cycle through a 10-step guide to successful child rights UPR advocacy. The Universal Periodic Review Toolkit Add-On is available in English, French and Spanish.

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