Child Friendly Materials, Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Udhëzues për Përfshirjen e Perspektivës Gjinore në Këshillat e Nxënësve

Publication year:


Albanian, Serbian


(1.8 MiB)


Save the Children International,Save the Children Kosovo

This guide, is developed by the Kosovo Center for Gender Studies (KGSC) in collaboration with Save the Children Kosovo/a and funded by the Swedish International Development Agency, aims to integrate gender perspectives within student councils in Kosovo. Based on assessments conducted in eight schools, the guide identifies gender-based limitations and inequalities among students, such as systemic biases, stereotypes, and restricted civic spaces. It provides actionable recommendations to foster equal representation, dismantle stereotypes, and create inclusive environments within schools. By addressing these challenges, the guide empowers children as active citizens and future leaders, contributing to a more equitable and democratic society.

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