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Save the Children UK
This is the final booklet in a toolkit comprised of 6 booklets. The toolkit provides a conceptual framework for measuring children’s participation, together with guidance on how to undertake monitoring and evaluation and practical tools that can help you gather the information you need. It can be used by organizations working directly with children, by child- and youth-led organizations, and by governments that are committed to fulfilling their obligations to respect children’s right to participate. Booklet 6, compiled by the African Movement of Working Children and Youth in Nigeria, is divided into three parts:
Part 1, Children and young people’s experiences of piloting the tools, is intended as a way for children and young people to share their experiences and views of what participatory monitoring and evaluation means to them.
Part 2, Children and young people’s advice to facilitators of children’s participation, is a series of recommendations from children and young people to remind adults about what constitutes good practices in the facilitation of participation activities.
Part 3, A guide for children and young people: what you should expect from adults when the work with you, is a child-friendly section made to enable young people to present to other young people what they should expect in terms of quality practice from adults.
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