Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Toolkit for Advocacy on the Promotion of the Rights and the Protection of Children and Youth on the Move (CYM)

Publication year:


English, Francés


PDF (19.4 MiB)


Fondation Terre des Hommes,Save the Children International

This toolkit includes theoretical knowledge on advocacy for facilitators who are playing a role in mentoring CYM to help them to walk through the different stages of the planned advocacy cycle while ensuring the effective participation of CYM.

Through this activity, the project PROTEJEM «Improving the protection of children and youth on the move on the main migration routes in WestAfrica», funded by the European Union through the Emergency Trust Fund for Africa, will contribute to strengthening the skills of youth organizations to carry out meaningful advocacy on the rights of children and youth on the move, and to improve their legitimacy as actors at the regional level, in order to enable them to become real agents of change and voice their concerns.

Through this toolkit, PROTEJEM provides Governments, youth associations, and other organizations working with CYM with a practical guide for conducting advocacy campaigns with strong participation of children and youth on the move.

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