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Case Studies and Success Stories, Study: Research

They All Have Dreams – Community Based Rehabilitation for Children with Disabilities: Good Practices and Lessons from Save the Children Norway

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Save the Children Norway

It is estimated that over 2.5 million children in Ethiopia are living with disabilities. It is also estimated that less than 1% of children with special needs access primary education. The main causes of disability among children in Ethiopia are preventable causes like poor nutrition, lack of prenatal and neonatal health care, and harmful traditional practices.
The intention of this booklet is to document and share the good practices and results that the Save the Children Norway-Ethiopia project has achieved at different levels with improved outcomes on the lives of the individual child with disability, families, the community, and institutions. Case studies and key informant interviews were employed to document the good practices. Children with disabilities and their families who have received support through the project intervention, community leaders, children, government offices and other stakeholders have participated in the documentation process.

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