Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Testimony without fear (?) Non-revictimization Cultures and Practices: A map of practices for taking special testimony from children and adolescents (1st edition)

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Childhood Brasil (Instituto WCF-Brasil)

International review, comparison, and analysis of child-friendly justice practices in various jurisdictions.
The publication Testimony without fear(?): Non-revictimizing cultures and practices, is a framework for the development of specific techniques and practices for taking testimony from children in the justice process who have been victims to or are witnesses of sexual crimes. The protection of children from suffering during court proceedings is a right guaranteed in international rule, approved by the United Nations on the questioning of child and adolescent victims and witnesses of violence and crimes.
The book is divided into 6 key sections: The first section includes the article “Child victims in the judiciary system: optimizing accuracy, avoiding revictimization”;
The second section, ‘Catalog of alternative experiences for taking special testimony from children and adolescents around the world: Socio-anthropological reading and summary chart”, maps the alternative experiences for taking special testimony from children and adolescents around the world;
The third section, called ‘Report on reference experiences: England and Argentina’, highlights two experiences that constitute paradigmatic matrixes and have been disseminated in an adapted manner to many other countries;
The fourth section, called ‘Source guide: Specialists and researchers’, is a mapping of the specialists who are most often quoted by researchers considered as references in this field;
The fifth section, ‘Source guide: Publications and analysis of titles’, maps Brazilian and international literature on the subject;
and the sixth and final final section, ‘Source guide: Pages of interest on the Internet’, maps the principal electronic addresses in which readers, researchers, social policy makers, and operators of the system that guarantees the rights may find information directly related to the subejct of taking special testimony from children and adolescents.
This book is the result of a collaborative process involving several activists, professionals, and organizations committed to the radical and perseverant defense of the rights of the child and adolescent. It is consistent with the recommendations of the main Brazilian and international rules on the protection of child victims of sexual violence such as the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente [Children and Adolescent Statute], and the directives of the United Nations Social Economic Council on justice for child victims and witnesses of violence.

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