Supporting the Right to Quality Education for Vulnerable Syrian and Host Community Children and Youth, End of Project Evaluation thumbnail
Study: Evaluations

Supporting the Right to Quality Education for Vulnerable Syrian and Host Community Children and Youth, End of Project Evaluation

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Save the Children International,Save the Children Lebanon

Haqqi Consortium funded by the EU MADAD, is implementing a project to support vulnerable children’s education in Lebanon between December 2021 and July 2024. The consortium, comprising Save the Children International (SCI) as the lead, Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), Multi Aid Programs (MAPS), Nabad for Development (NABAD), and Back to Future Consortium (BTF), provided non-formal education (NFE) support in the form of Early Childhood Education (ECE) and Basic Literacy and Numeracy (BLN), and Retention Support (RS) classes as formal education (FE) programmes. The project also included rehabilitation of learning centres, provision of learning materials and transportation support, engaging in social and emotional learning (SEL) as well as Better Learning Programme (BLP) activities, and advocating for inclusive education policies. The project reached 14,519 children and 1,386 youth beneficiaries across various regions in Lebanon, with a nearly equal gender distribution among the recipients and inclusion of 508 Children with Disabilities (CwDs).
Qualisus Consulting was commissioned to conduct an endline evaluation of this project from February to June 2024. The evaluation aimed to assess the project’s performance against OECD DAC criteria, including relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, coherence, and sustainability, along with the assessment of inclusion, accountability, consortium dynamic, quality, evidence, and learning sections. Finally, the evaluation also looked at the key lessons learned and best practices generated through the implementation of the Haqqi project.

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