Study: Research

Strengthening Child Protection Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa. A working paper

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English, French,Portuguese


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Inter-Agency Group on Child Protection Systems in sub-Saharan Africa

This paper is a response to the increasing need for agreement on approaches and documented evidence of good practices consistent with system strengthening work.The purpose of this working paper is to consolidate current thinking, examples and lessons learned about child protection system strengthening in sub-Saharan Africa and to suggest a way forward. It is designed to focus on concrete actions – not concepts – for systems strengthening. The target audiences of the paper include government leaders and staff, from national policymakers to local government authorities, traditional authorities, U.N. agencies and other multilaterals, regional organizations within Sub-Saharan Africa, bilateral and private donors, researchers, international and local NGOs, civil society – including children’s groups – and community representatives engaged in systems strengthening planning and implementation.

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