Study: Research

School Violence and Bullying: Global status report

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UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

This report focuses on violence and bullying in formal educational settings, in particular violence and bullying between students, and on actions that can be taken by the education sector and schools to prevent and respond to the problem. It aims to:

  • Present an overview of the nature, extent and impact of school violence and bullying, consolidating existing data from key reports and the literature.
  • Synthesise available evidence about effective responses, highlighting existing initiatives and actions and examples of good policy and practice.
  • Provide guidance on priority actions

This report has been prepared to inform the International Symposium on School Violence and Bullying in Seoul, Republic of Korea, in January 2017, co-organised by UNESCO and the Institute of School Violence and Prevention at Ewha Womans University. The report builds on the work of UNESCO, the Institute of School Violence Prevention at Ewha Womans University and others on school violence and bullying, including school-related gender-based violence and violence based on sexual orientation and gender identity and expression.

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