Save the Children Poland: 2-year Impact Report 2022-2023 thumbnail

Save the Children Poland: 2-year Impact Report 2022-2023

Publication year:


English, Polish


PDF (4.9 MiB)


Save the Children International

Following the full-scale escalation of the war in Ukraine in February 2022, which triggered the largest displacement crisis since the World War II, Poland experienced an unprecedented quest for help and refuge, as well as one of the largest ever solidarity movement at the civil society level. Poland, and Europe in general, initially demonstrated immense solidarity and welcoming to those fleeing Ukraine, with millions around the continent opening up their houses and hearts to families from Ukraine. Two years into the war, needs remain high among the refugee community and have been gradually shifting from emergency to longer- -term response.
Save the Children stands united with children affected by crisis and displacement. Together, we champion their dreams, amplify their voices, and empower their communities through equal partnerships and participation.

Here in Poland, we’re making sure children who fled the war in Ukraine can get child protection services, have access to education, mental health and psycho-social support, support to their families with cash assistance and the chance to build the future they deserve. In this report, you’ll read more about what we’ve done in 2022 and 2023.

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