
Save the Children US Annual Report 2004

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Save the Children US

We are pleased to report that 2004 was a year of remarkable growth and achievement for Save the Children’s work on behalf of children in need. Whether you are a donor, staff member, community partner or a person concerned about children in need, you can take pride in what has been accomplished for children during 2004 and draw inspiration from the continued expansion of our efforts.

A year ago we looked back on 2003 as a period “filled with news of war and famine;” in 2004, the same kinds of adversities were back. And once again, their pace seemed to quicken and their scope to enlarge – forcing us, as in years past, to balance the challenges of ongoing programs and planned growth with those of sudden emergencies resulting from natural disasters and armed conflict. We sought not to choose between populations of children in need, but to choose the best means of helping all those within our mandate of care.

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