Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures, Reports

Role of Local Government Institutions on Maternal and Newborn Health Service

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Save the Children Bangladesh

In the Rangpur district of Bangladesh 86% pregnant women received antenatal care (ANC) -1 from public health facility where only 19% pregnant women received ANC 4+ and only 20% women delivered at public health facility. Home delivery is still 25%.

Strengthening the Maternal and Neonatal Health System in Rangpur, Bangladesh project of Save the Children in partnership with RDRS Bangladesh and icddr, b is working in Rangpur and Lalmonirhat district for increasing coverage and quality of Maternal and Neonatal Health (MNH) services at Union/community level.

The project is working with Health and Family Planning departments along with Local Government Institutions (LGI) for creating an enabling environment especially at the union level health facilities and communities to reduce home delivery. The project has engaged LGIs at district, upazila (sub-district) and union (community) level through planned interventions.

Feature of the interventions the project organized “Coordination Meeting: Role of Local Government Institutions on Maternal and Newborn Health Service” with the leadership of local government department of Rangpur district administration on 31 October 2023 at the conference room of Deputy Commissioner (DC).

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