Reports, Study: Research

The Rights of the Child. Analytical report. Flash Eurobarometer European Commission (No. 235)

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Eurobarometer,The Gallup Organization Europé

This survey (Flash Eurobarometer 235: The Rights of the Child) was conducted to determine how much young people aged 15-18 years knew about the Rights of the Child, the extent to which these rights were protected and which actions should be taken as a priority to improve them at national and European levels. The survey was carried out in February 2008 across the EU and was based on telephone interviews with 10,000 randomly selected young people age range 15 to 18. The survey examined the respondents’: knowledge about their specific rights; opinions to how those rights were protected; experiences in asking for help; opinions about the main areas of legislation that affected them; ideas about national and Europe-wide actions to be taken; and opinions about the easiest ways of finding out more information about their rights.

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