Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures, Reports, Study: Research

Review: Teacher Support and Development Interventions

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Save the Children International

Save the Children commissioned research on teacher support and development as part of a strategy to build professional and technical capacity through sharing knowledge at global, regional and country levels.
The research, which this document summarizes, sets out to:
1. Produce a quick summary of global state-of-the-art approaches to teacher support and development and reference the Save the Children approaches and models against these;
2. Identify best models, practices, approaches and areas of strength which reflect the Save the Children’s current teacher support and development programming around the world;
3. Identify areas of potential growth in Save the Children’s programming in teacher support and development:
4. Generate recommendations and lessons learned so as to inform future programming in a range of contexts supported by Save the Children.
As part of this process a review of the academic and Save the Children’s literature on teacher support and development from 30 low income countries was conducted together with interviews with nine country offices to investigate their current approaches to teacher education programming.
This is an abridged version of the full report commissioned by Save the Children’s Basic Education Working Group designed to inform the development of its global strategy with regard to teacher support and development, written by Frank Hardman of the Institute for Effective Education, University of York, UK.

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