Study: Evaluations, Reports

Review of Save the Children Norway’s Support to Programmes for Child Protection System Strengthening: Evaluation

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Child Frontiers Ltd.,Save the Children Norway

This report presents a review of the key results achieved through Save the Children Norway’s programming to strengthen the national child protection system in eight countries: Cambodia, Ethiopia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Mozambique, Nepal, Nicaragua, Uganda, and Zimbabwe. The intention was to document and analyse the focus and impact of supported programmes for two purposes: to provide Save the Children Norway with the data and analysis needed for reporting requirements to the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) and to draw out learning points and recommendations for internal and external planning and programme design for the new strategy period of 2014–2017 and new framework agreement with Norad for 2015–2018.

The review’s line of inquiry looked at assessing to what degree Save the Children Norway has contributed to stronger systems for the protection of children and to what extent and how children have benefited from these systems. The review largely focused on the results achieved and the effectiveness of Save the Children’s programme planning, with the reporting and monitoring processes additionally assessed.

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