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GNC, Global Nutrition Cluster,WFP, United Nations World Food Programme
This report provides a thorough evaluation of balanced energy protein (BEP) supplementation for pregnant and breastfeeding women and girls (PBW/G).
BEP supplementation during pregnancy is recommended by WHO in ‘undernourished settings’ and is part of the UN Global Action Plan (GAP) framework on child wasting. However, questions remain regarding certain aspects including:
the optimal dose and duration of supplementation.
the appropriate targeting and graduation criteria.
the modes and platforms of delivery.
This review was conducted to address these gaps, exploring various BEP programs and approaches for PBW/G.
Locations providing BEP supplements identified in the mapping
This report was commissioned by the Global Nutrition Cluster (GNC) prevention sub-working group and its development was hosted by the World Food Programme, who are co-chair of the GNC prevention sub-working group.
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