Reports, Study: Evaluations, Study: Research

QuIP Report on Save the Children’s Harnessing Agriculture for Nutrition Outcomes (HANO) Project in Tanzania: June 2017

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Irish Aid,Save the Children Tanzania,Save the Children UK

This report presents the end-of-project evaluation findings of the Harnessing Agriculture for Nutrition Outcomes (HANO) project, implemented by Save the Children and funded by Irish Aid in the Lindi Region of Southern Tanzania from 2012 to 2017. The HANO Project had three primary objectives: 1) to enhance food and nutrient intake for infants, young children (0-23 months), and women of reproductive age; 2) to build the capacity of local district government and civil society organizations (CSOs) staff in delivering nutrition-sensitive agriculture programs; and 3) to document and widely disseminate project achievements to inform local and national stakeholders.

The evaluation employed the Qualitative Impact Protocol (QuIP) methodology, conducting qualitative interviews with a stratified sample of project beneficiaries, focus groups, and implementing stakeholders. This involved 30 individual interviews, four focus group interviews, six interviews with government officers/teams, and four with civil society partners. Notably, the QuIP approach ensured that neither the interviewers nor the interviewees were aware of the project’s affiliation, reducing potential project confirmation bias. Semi-structured interviews identified key changes experienced by respondents across various domains and explored the reasons behind these changes, as well as participant-led attributions of outcomes.

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