
Progress or progression: Reviewing Children’s Participation in the UN Study on Violence against Children, 2003–2006

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Save the Children Sweden

This report summarises the progress and lessons learned since the 2002 Special Session on Children based on Save the Children’s support to the involvement of children in the UN Study. It serves as an inspiring tool, with key learnings from the successes as well as the constraints of children’s participation in the UN Study process. Accordingly, it is hoped that children’s participation can be further strengthened in current follow-up processes, and those that will continue in the future.

This report has been written as a means to help integrate the learning from this process into other current and future Save the Children processes, especially its worldwide programming to address violence against boys and girls and its efforts to promote the systematic involvement of children and young people in the development of national plans and systems to follow up the Study’s key recommendations.

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